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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stating you Remember or don’t Remember

Read the following word groups aloud several times. Please don’t try to learn by-heart. Your sub-conscious mind will do that job, even without your knowledge, and rush onto your tongue whenever required. Yes, your job is just to read these word groups aloud several times.

Stating that you remember or don’t remember

Yes, I remember.
I don’t remember meeting you there.
I remember sending the letter.
I can’t remember.
I remember I had put it there. I’m sorry I don’t remember.
I don’t remember that incident.
I’ll always remember what you said the other day.
I’ve forgotten to bring my note book.
I’m sorry; the meeting completely slipped my mind.
Yes I remember him very well.
Ah! Now I remember.
Oh dear! I completely forgot about it.
Yes, I’ve got it now.
It’d completely slipped my mind.
Yes, the whole episode is coming back to me now.
My mind has gone completely blank.

Asking whether remembers or has forgotten

Do you remember me?
Do you remember, what we had discussed the other day?
Do you remember telling him about it?
Have you forgotten? Today’s the College Day.
You remember John, don’t you?
Did you remember to meet him?
You haven’t forgotten to post it, have you?
You do remember Mary, don’t you?
Do you remember his name?
Surely, you haven’t forgotten him?
You gave him some sweets, didn’t you?
Surely, you remember today’s the last day?
I hope you didn’t forget to bring my CDs again.

Expressing intention

I’m going to delete this file.
I’m going to cut it into pieces.
I’ll wait until you come.
I certainly don’t intend to wait here any more.
I have no intention of taking leave now.
Here’s what I intend to do.
I intend to visit London next week.
I’m visiting my parents this weekend.
I’m considering leaving this place.
I thing I should visit them more often.
I’m not going to listen to this rubbish any longer.
I’m going to stay in…
I don’t intend to argue about it.
I plan to invite them all.
I've got something fixed up for today.

Asking about intention

Will you take responsibility for this damage?
What are you going to do about it?
Do you intend to do anything about it?
Are you going to do the washing today?
What do you plan to do about it?
Will you deny the charge?
Aren’t you going to do anything about it?
What are you thinking of doing about it?
What are you going to do?
I’d like to know what you intend to do about it?
Are you thinking of going out today?