Social Icons

Monday, February 11, 2013


A         IN THE GYM

A. Hello, my name is Jane and I’d like to ask a few questions about getting fit.
B. Hi Jane. What can I do for you?

A. I need to get in shape.
B. Well, you've come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately?

A. I’m afraid not.
B. OK. We’ll give it slow start. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?

A. I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don’t mind doing some weight-lifting, though.
B. Great, that gives us plenty to work with. How often can you work out?

A. Two or three times a week would be good.
B. Why don’t we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little weight lifting?

A. Sounds fine to me.
B. You’ll need to start slowly, and build up gradually to three or four times a week.

A. OK. What kind of equipment will I need?
B. You’ll need a leotard and some sneakers.

A. Is that all? How do I sign up for the classes?
B. You’ll need to enroll yourselves first and then you can choose which classes fit your schedule best.

A. Great! I can’t wait to get started. Thanks for your advice. No problem. I’ll see you in aerobics class!



Pinky:                   Excuse me! Do you have Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of English?
Bookseller:         yes Madam! Would you like to have the hardbound edition or the Paperback edition?

Pinky:                   What is the difference? Can I see the book?
Bookseller:         The hardbound edition is priced hundred rupees more. There is, however, no difference in         the contents of the two editions. Here you are Madam. Please go through them yourself.

Pinky:                   Thank you. I shall take this paperback edition.
Bookseller:         Very well Madam, anything else?

Pinky:                   Thanks. Are you giving some discount on the purchase of books?
Bookseller:         Of course. We are giving a ten percent discount on the printed price of every book.

Pinky:                   That is really very good. Please give me this dictionary.
Bookseller:         Here is your packet, Madam. Please make the payment at the counter. Thanks for your visit.

Pinky:                   Thank you very much.



Deepu :                I wish to borrow these two books, please.
Librarian:             Very well! Let me see! I can give you only this one. The other one is only for reference. You cannot take it home.

Deepu:                 I am sorry I didn't see the label on it.
Librarian:             you can sit here and refer it in the library itself.

Deepu:                 May I, then, borrow another book?
Librarian:             Of course, you may! You may take these three books, if you like.

Deepu:                 That will be better. I may , in that case, consult this book for some time and get the books issued later on.
Librarian:             Of course, you can do that.

Deepu:                 Thank you very much.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


A Car Loans

John : Thank you for calling ICICI Car Loans. This is John. How may I help you?

Mary: Hi John: ! I am Mary, I’d like to know how I should go about applying for a car loan. What is the criterion etc?

John:Sure, Mary. You need to have a social security number. Your annual income should be $25000 or above. You need to have been employed at your current job for at least a year and you will need to provide proof of residence at your current address.

Mary: That sounds good. Thanks. What’s the next step?

John:You can take a loan of about twice your annual income. We have special packages, with interest rates from 10.5 percent to 14.5 percent, depending on the time period of the loan and the number of installments you wish to pay back in.

Mary: What is the time period of the loan?

Jon:You could choose any of the our payback plans, with the time period ranging from one to eight years, and three, six or twelve installments per year. If I could have your address, I will direct you to our nearest office.

Mary: Yes, sure. It’s Apartment 125D, Mission Apartments, South Avenue, Mumbai 200 004.

John: Oh, we’re just a block away from you, at ICICI Car Loans, 2 Floor, Hudson Building, South Avenue. Would you like us to mail the forms to you?

Mary: No. I’ll drop by your office today.

John: Is there anything else I could do for you Mary?

Mary: No, that would be all. Thanks.

John: My pleasure, Mary. Thank you for calling ICICI Car Loans and we look forward to a relationship with you.

B         Winning the Lotto

A.            Tom, take a look at this! This guy’s won ten million dollars in the lotto!
B.            What luck!

A.            What would you do if you won ten million dollars?
B.            Well, I know what I wouldn't do! If I won so much money, I wouldn't spend it. I’d put it in the bank!

A.            You've got to be joking! I’d make sure to spend at least the first two million having a good time and buying things I've always wanted. I’d definitely spend a lot of time traveling.
B.            Use your head! If you spent money like that, you’d soon have spent all your winnings!

A.            You are so boring! If you were in his shoes, you’d just put money in the bank!
B.            That’s right. I’m sure that the money lasts for the rest of my life.

A.            What use would that be, if you didn't have any fun?
B.            Oh, I have fun. I’d just be careful about how much fund I’d have.

A.            I can’t believe you!
B.            Well you know the saying ‘different strokes for different folks’!

C          Describing a Friend

A.            My friend Rich is coming to town next week. Have you ever met him?
B.            No, I haven'

A.            He’s kind of crazy, but a great guy.
B.            Yeah, why do you say so? What’s he like?

A.            He’s really hard working, but very much a loner.  He’s pretty talented and can do just about anything.
B.            Sounds interesting. Is the married?

A.            No he isn't.
B.            What does he look like? Maybe my friend Alice would be interested in meeting him.

A.          He’s tall, slim and quite good looking. I’m sure your friend would find him attractive. What’s she like?
B.            She’s outgoing and very athletic.

A.            Really? What sports does she like playing?
B.            She’s a great tennis player and also goes bicycling a lot.

A.            What does she look like?
B.            She’s kind of exotic looking. She’s got long dark hair and piercing black eyes. People think she is rather beautiful.

A.            Do you think she would like to meet Rich?
B.            Sure! Why don’t we hook them up?

A.            Great idea!